


I need a place to share thoughts on PT, fitness, and sports performance; a place to compile my more professionally oriented ramblings. I have some thoughts, as you may know. And now I've actually committed to some projects that will be a good fit here.

Why now? First and foremost - having this will focus my efforts a little, and that's good for me (in turn good for patients/clients too). It's good to be researching and engaging developments in the field. It's good to refer patients and professional contacts without worrying about them getting blasted with comments and pictures of the kids jumping off furniture.

Not that they won't fit in here sometimes. Not that I won't hope that some friends, just plain friends, will join me in the personal pursuit of trying to gain and keep whatever fitness you can.

I enjoy writing for fun and still fear being pinned down to anything beyond my regular work. I'm just to the point where I can take a stab at this. The family situation is more stable, so I can commit to say, one writing a week.

We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll help someone. Maybe someone will help me. I'm pretty sure that will happen.

Thanks for checking in.

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