

The Founding Fathers of the BLC 

Last week, Ben, Cort, Russ, and I were on hand for the weekly ritual now known throughout all the lands as Plyo Friday. Loc, one of the younger trainees, described it as a gathering of the "Founding Fathers" of the The Bonny Lane Club.

I've written an overview of our small community that we call the BLC here.

The predecessor of the BLC began in 2002 at our old house on Belleview Park. I invited a few basketball players from Harrisburg High School to come see and learn how a middle aged white guy can dunk. They compared my basement to "something less than Rutherford" (elementary school). They learned how to squat and few other things, and stuck around for as long as we lived there.

The BLC officially started a few years later, after we moved to our home in Mechanicsburg. Since then, thousands...no, hundreds...no...TENS (!) of people have passed through the BLC. They come to improve their health or athletic performance, and hope to achieve a few fitness goals. But nearly everyone who has joined the journey has become genuine friends.

The Founding Fathers were first. Some of them are not around as much, with school and work and life and whatnot. To this day I cherish our friendship.

You want to join the anti-gym? You want to learn and contribute to our training knowledge? You want to understand some things about the group and about yourself? You came back to this yard and basement after experiencing a 300 run or a set of 20-rep squats?

"My brother! My sister!"

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