
Come On Out to NEHAWD

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National Employee Health And Wellness Day is May 19th. We'll be partaking of it on the 25th, due to scheduling issues and Kim's training regimen.

I'll skip the part here where I wonder if a person can be healthy without being well. ...

Nonetheless, it's Health AND Wellness Day. Sooooo...

NEHAWD is one day out of the year when employers across the nation promote wellness by including lunch time walks and blood pressure screens and making mostly untasty snacks available. Over the last few years, we've decided to not do that. We've (mostly) gotten away with giving convention and liability and lameness the middle finger.

Well yeah, there's a message going on here, serious as a NOT heart attack. We bond and laugh a lot, scarcely noticing that our heart rates are well within the target zone. NEHAWD is an hour of sanctioned goofing off at work, so long as we're not sitting around on the internet eating Brusters Ice Cream.

This year's NEHAWD events have been meticulously structured to cover all 7 components of health and fitness:

1. Stool Floor Hockey - tests manual dexterity and shin whacking capacity

2. Physioball Golf (*no golf cart)- muscular power and awesomeness

3. Physioball Gulp - balance control and bladder fortitude

4. Asparagus eating contest - cardiovascular capacity of the jaw
5. Treadmill volleyball - tests social skills and analytic capabilities

Okay, so come out and compete with us next Tuesday. I dare you. Yes, there will be prizes and no gross "health" snacks.

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